Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love, Birthday and Invitations!

This week has been/is a busy one! Not only is work CRAZY and I haven't worked just 8 hours in who knows how many days, but this week was Valentine's Day and my Lovely Fiance's birthday!

Valentine's day was packed full of LOVE, hehe. We spent the day together, cooking, eating and watching a movie. What could be better :) I'm one of those sappy girls who supports the greeting card companies on Vday! lol

Fiance's birthday was yesterday. It was a snowyyy day and he had to work (who works on thier bday?? I always take mine off!). After work, we went to dinner with DF's dad and his GF. It was fun! I got a delicious pulled pork sandwich. mmm! I hope he enjoyed his day! :)

Of course I have been running between it all! DF looked at me a little crazy when I hopped on the treadmill while he was showering before his bday dinner. Hey I'll take any 18 min to fit 2 miles in that I can! Tonight we went to the gym and I got in my tempo run for the week - 7 miles with 5 at HMP (8:49). Felt glorious! I love speedwork. Saturday is a big 12 miler!

Also on my brain constantly is the wedding that is now 93 days away!!! Friday a bunch of us are meeting at my mom's house to put the invitations together and address them! Should be a fun night! I also keep remembering things to add to my registry and got my first shower gift, even though the shower is still a month away!!

And that is what's on my mind tonight! Night all!!

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