Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tequilla = Success?

So last night was the gathering with my bridesmaids to put together the invitations. It was great time!! I even had a margarita! I usually don't drink the night before running days (esp long runs), but I was craving a yummy drink!

Well, today I had an amazing run. 12 miles in 1:46:05. Which is a PR for me annnd an 8:50 pace, which is my goal for my half in 5 weeks! I had negative splits for every mile, except the mile with crazy hill that is almost the whole mile (at mile 11 mind you), which I ran in 8:50!

So, maybe I should have tequilla EVERY week before my long run! I'm willing to give it a shot ;)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! If that's the secret to successful half marathon training then sign me up! I'm glad you had a great time with your bridesmaids and an exceptional long run.

