Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it all in my head?

So I had a very speedy speedwork tonight! 8 miles with 4X1600 at 8:00 pace! I split it up because it's snowy out so I wanted to go to the gym with my lovely fiance since his 4wd truck is more reliable than my car. Anyways, that's not my point.

So I ran the first 5 miles with 3 of the speedy miles at the gym and felt awesome! I felt strong, fast and felt like I even had more speed in me! But I kept with my pace. Then we drove the 2 miles home and I hopped onto my treadmill for the last interval/3 miles. I felt so so so slow! The 8:00 mile I had to run felt torturous and like it was 3 miles long itself!! Then, even at 10mm I was breathing heavier, even though it's my "easy" pace!

I have always thought that I was so much slower on the treadmill than outside. But now that I'm thinking about it, maybe it's just MY treadmill? Maybe it is calibrated wrong? Or maybe it's the fact that it was $350 at walmart, while the treadmills at the gym are probably $1500! Or maybe it is all in my head and I am imagining this issue since at home I'm in a stuffy office.

I have no idea, but I thought it was interesting.

Anyways, the important thing is... I ROCKED MY SPEEDWORK! I'm beginning to LOVE speedwork! I love the feeling of getting my heart rate pumping and reaching the goal paces. I can't wait for my 10k and half marathon so I can put this speed to good use! I am also going to look for a local 5k because I'm interested to see if I can get a PR (currently 24:05). If I can do speedwork at 8:00 and feel like I have more speed in me, on the treadmill no less, then maybe I can break the 7:45 barrier in the 5k! :)

So basically I love running. That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, don't doubt yourself. I bet you do have more gas in the tank, so to speak. Excellent place to be. You'll surprise yourself for sure.
