- 93 Miles run
- 180 minutes of weights
- 40 minutes of biking
- 60 minutes of BodyPump
- 1 5k race!
- 10 rest days
I'm pretty happy with this month! It's a short month, so even though I didn't get to 100 miles (last month I had 103), I would have if I had those 2-3 more days :) Next month, I hope to cut down to only 1 rest day a week and add more spinning/bodypump/bodyflow.
Now onto my 5K race report:
Since Thursday night I had done my first BodyPump class, I was still sore when I woke up on Saturday morning for the 5K. I decided to go out for a mile when I woke up to get the legs moving and see how they felt. I felt pretty good so I knew I would at least be able to run a tempo run for the 3 miles, but wasn't sure how fast they would be!
The 5K was at a park just a few miles from my house. It had snowed about an inch Friday night so it was beautiful, but the roads were quite slushy, which concerned me a little. The race was only $4 and we didn't have bibs or anything and the course wasn't even marked out. So I was hoping the people around me would know where they were going!!
The bell was rung at 9:35 and we were off! The race started by going up a really steep hill. Luckily that was the only steep incline. After the hill, the first mile went through the main roads of the park. I felt pretty good and managed to finish the first mile in 7:51. As the second mile came, I felt myself slowing down a bit and couldn't speed up! I hate when that happens. We made a turn out of the park and on the sidewalk of the main road around 1.5 miles. We then turned into a side street where I decided to start picking up the pace since we were halfway through. I ended up passing the guy in front of me and felt myself getting stronger. Mile 2 was 8:02 and I was not happy with that! I realized if I wanted to get near 24 minutes, I would have to go all out on the last mile. Luckily we rounded a corner into the park and went downhill. I passed another woman and knew we were in the home stretch! My 3rd mile was a super speedy 7:20! I got to the last .1 and knew I wasn't going to PR, but gave it all I had.
I finished in 24:17. Just 12 seconds from my PR. I was really happy with that considering all the conditions! I also finished 2/21 in my AG, 5/36 females and 30/95 overall. Not too shabby! :)
Nice work, and major congrats on the race!