Friday, April 30, 2010

Back in the Saddle + Month in Review!

So, after 2 weeks of just swimming, I am finally not feeling any hip pain! So today I decided to try for a bike ride. I went 6 miles in 30 minutes and had no pain!!! If anything it loosed things up and feels better! Tomorrow I am going to run a really slow mile and see how I feel after. If I have no pain, I will create a new schedule for me to follow to build back up to my regular mileage. Luckily, I have swimming and biking to keep me working out!!

April in Review:

Ran 37 miles in 339.5 minutes (9:10 average)
Biked 37.95 miles in 182 minutes (4:48 average)
Swam 7.5625 miles or 12.1KM in 297 minutes
Spinning: 2 classes/120 minutes

Clearly my running suffered, but that's to be expected since I had to take half the month off and was recovering from a half marathon the first half! But I'm super happy with my swimming progress and feel confident that I am going to be fine with the sprint tri in July! Good news!!

Goals for May:
  • Stay healthy and build my mileage back to where it was, sensibly and slowly!
  • Continue to work on biking, which is now my weak point in tri training!
  • Run on my Wedding Day!
  • Get married and have a fantastic time on the honeymoon (and get some runs and open water swims in!!)

Hope everyone else had a fabulous April and have great goals for May!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I did it! I swam a whole mile today! It did take me 37 minutes, but I'm not complaining! :)

While I've been sidelined with this hip pain, I haven't been able to run or bike, so I've been hitting the pool more! The first few swims I had were pretty terrible. I had trouble breathing and couldn't swim more than half a lap without stopping for a breather. Now, just over 3 weeks and 4 miles in the pool later, I am more confident in my breathing technique and I swam 150 meters without stopping today! Granted, after that I was breathing heavy for a few moments, but I recovered pretty quickly and kept going! I am consistently swimming 100 meters without stopping too. I'm really amazed at how easily my running fitness translated into the pool. I thought it would be much harder to get into it!

As for my hip pain, it hasn't really been feeling much better. I went to the chiro for the second time today and got adjusted. I came home and iced it twice before hitting the pool. Now, it's feeling pretty good!! *knock on wood* Hopefully that is good news! If not, I will be going to the nearest sports doc in a few days. I want this gone!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hip Pain

Well, maybe I shouldn't have aimed SO high! Ugh.

On Thursday, as I got up from my desk at work to use the bathroom, I felt pain in my hip. Each step was really painful. I found a spot that I could push on my bone and feel sharp pain. This scared the heck out of me! I went to my chiropractor on Friday and she said my hip was locked up and adjusted it. She also told me to not get ahead of myself when I said I hope it's not a stress fracture! Now, 3 days after the pain started, I don't feel it while I'm moving, but I can still press on that spot on the bone and feel pain. I haven't tried running or biking, but swimming doesn't hurt.

This is what I was able to accomplish of the first week of my tri training:

M: 6 miles (in 56 min) and spinning
T: 30 min/1100m swim
W: 5 miles w/ 5X800 (3:50, 3:50, 3:46, 3:49, 3:46) and 35 min/7.33 mile bike ride
Th: Scheduled Rest Day (SRD)
F: Unscheduled Rest Day (USRD)
Sa: 25 min/1000m swim

Dissapointing, but obviously I had to give myself some rest! Tomorrow I'm going to try for a bike ride and see if that bothers the hip. If not, I'll alternate swimming and biking this week and hope that a run next Monday works! I will definitely miss running though!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I've been away for 11 days. Why you may ask? Well, I've been busy being a TRIATHLETE!!! (ha not quite!) My goodness it's exhausting!

Here is what my last week looked like:

M - 6 miles, spinning
T - 20 minute/800m swim
W - 5 miles w/ 3 @ 8:20 pace
Th - Rest
F - 25 minute/1000m swim
S - 9 miles
Su - 12.56 mile bike ride

It was probably optimistic of me to think I would have gotten another 6 mile run and 30 min bike ride in there, but those were the workouts I skipped this week.

Here is what my schedule should look like next week, for the first official week of my beginner tri training plan:

M - AM: 6 miles, PM: Spinning
T - AM: 30 min swim, PM: Bodypump (if I'm up for it)
W - AM: 5 mile speedwork, PM: 35 min bike ride
Th - Rest!
F - AM: 6 miles, PM: 15 min swim
Sa - 10 miles
Su - Long bike ride

Optimistic? Absolutely! Doable? We'll see! I like to aim high!! :)